Special Offer Expires On December 18th at Midnight!

Ed Rush's Crazy Christmas Sale On His
Fighter Pilot Power Pack!

Fighter Pilot Power Pack

We recently converted the entire Fighter Pilot Power Pack to digital format, however we have 44 physical printed copies left - perfect to wrap up for Christmas!

Note: You will also get full access to the digital files in PDF and MP3 format

Here's What You Will Receive:

1. Future Ace: The Definitive Guide To Becoming A Fighter Pilot

2. Audio CD: Marching to Mach: Your Fighter Pilot Career At A Glance

3. Audio CD: How To Excel In Flight School

4. Audio CD: Fighter Pilot Medical Requirements

5. Audio CD: Becoming A Fighter Pilot: An Introduction To Your Next Career

6 - 9. Special Reports: How To Excel In Flight School, Marching to Mach, Becoming A Fighter Pilot, Fighter Pilot Missions

10. Fighter Pilot Missions Audio CD

11. Fighter Pilot Medical Requirements

12. The Medical Guidelines

13. One FREE Month to the "Afterburner Club"

14. All files in Digital Format so you can download them to your computer and mobile devices

Fighter Pilot - Santa Claus Fighter Pilot - Santa Claus Fighter Pilot - Santa Claus

My Crazy Christmas Sale!

Regularly $197 - Today $67 (plus shipping)

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Order Now!

100% Guaranteed

If for any reason you're unhappy just put the material back in the box and send it back to me and I will refund your entire investment (minus shipping and handling) - no questions asked.

Want to read more? Just scroll down...

"F-18 Fighter Pilot And 'Top Gun' Graduate Shows You Step-By-Step How To Quickly and Easily Become A Fighter Pilot In The Air Force, Navy, or Marines"

Discover the amazingly simple program that's
helping hundreds of young men and women
fulfill their dreams of becoming a
United States Fighter Pilot...

Do you dream of flying for the United States Military but don’t have a clue about how or where to begin?

Are you frustrated because you can't find the information that you need to prepare for your Fighter Pilot career?

Are you trying to decide if the lifestyle of a fighter pilot is for you?

If so, you're not alone. Because...

“It's Extremely Difficult - If Not Impossible - To Find Specific Information On Becoming An Air Force, Navy or Marines Fighter Pilot.”

Your only resource on flying Mach 1 is your local recruiter, and with all due respect, they have never been through the process of becoming a fighter pilot themselves so their knowledge is limited to brochures and a few guidelines they have.

Besides that, there are actually 3 crucial things that the recruiter is looking for before he even recommends you to be commissioned as a fighter pilot. If you contact a recruiter before you learn these 3 things you could blow your chances of even being commissioned as a pilot candidate!

And once you are accepted into the pilot program you still have to earn your pilot position. Every colonel, lieutenant, chief, cook and bottle washer will be asking him or herself if they would get into an aircraft with you and trust you with their life.

How do I know all of this? Because I’ve actually "been there and done that."

My name is Ed Rush™ (call sign "Head" Rush) and I, like you, had dreams of becoming a fighter pilot but was oblivious about how to go about it.

When I finally figured out where to begin I still had no idea about what it actually took to ensure that I flew the jet of my choice.

Not to mention if the lifestyle of a fighter pilot was even for me.

I consider myself blessed.

Today I’m a graduate of “Top Gun,” the Navy’s Fighter Weapons School (I know your question...yes, “Top Gun” like in the movie, and no, it’s nothing like the movie)!

I've served as the 'Marine Corps' leading expert in fighter maneuvering and in F-18 tactics. I've flown multiple combat missions over Iraq and have fought Russian MiG-29 and MiG-21 aircrafts.

Recently, I served as a key player in the development of airborne tactics for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter - the next generation fighter aircraft.

Now I'm not telling you all of this to brag about my accomplishments. I'm telling you this to show you that what I say is for real and that I want you to succeed. Because the short of it is

Becoming A Fighter Pilot Is No Easy Task -
Until Now...

You see, I've watched a lot of guys fall flat on their face during Officer Training School and even more get pushed to the end of the line in flight school. Some of these guys became close friends and it broke my heart to see them get washed out because of simple mistakes that could've been prevented had they been prepared.

It frustrated me because if these guys knew just a few crucial tips it would have greatly increased their chances of actually making it.

And that’s when it hit me...

If I could arm these candidates with all of the secrets and information that I had acquired from the past 13 years of my career then...

I Could Ensure, With Almost Complete Certainty, That They'd Be Guaranteed A Pilot Slot, Excel In Flight School, And Awarded The Aircraft Of Their Choice.

The next day my work began and becomefighterpilot.com™ was being created.

I turned on my computer and began dumping everything I had stored in my brain onto the screen. Mistakes I'd made and mistakes I’d seen my fellow recruits make. I researched and wrote until I was blue in the face.

I talked with recruiters, instructors, lieutenants and majors. What they were looking for, what they expected, what they wanted to hear, and the most important things that a new recruit needs to do to fly fighter jets.

I gathered standards, guidelines, and reports. I talked with my fellow pilots about the mistakes they'd made, and the mistakes they'd seen others make.

I took all the information, interviews, research and reports and compiled them into an easy to follow, step-by-step program that anyone could use.

The Program I Created Is Called...
The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™

Whether you're deciding if becoming a fighter pilot is your destiny, or you've already begun the process and want to blow away your competition, the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ will provide you with every last detail you need to not only to get the jet of your choice, but become one of the most elite fighter pilots in the country.

From the same people who will be scrutinizing you, training you, analyzing you, and selecting you.

You’ll have insider information that will catapult you to the top of your class.

Here’s A Sampling Of What The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ Will Do For YOU...

Learn the single most important question that could determine whether you fly jets or sit behind a desk. You must learn this BEFORE talking with a recruiter.
How to blow by your competition by learning to think like a fighter pilot.
7 Flight School guidelines that could increase your chances of flying jets by 300%!
How to get over 2 million dollars worth of flight training free and actually be paid to do it!
A step-by-step plan that will slash your learning curve by at least half during every phase of becoming a top American Fighter Pilot.
How to avoid 13 of the most common problems that arise on flight physicals.
Discover a specific “mindset for success” that will virtually ensure you achieve your dreams.
Answer every question and eliminate your worries with over 146 pages chocked full of never before seen information revealing exactly how to become a fighter pilot in the Air Force, Navy, or Marines.
The exact eyesight requirements and how to improve your eyesight and keep it in shape.
3 simple steps to prepare for and finish first in Officer Candidate School or Boot Camp.
Essential ground school tips, info, and insider ideas to excel you to the top of your class.
Nothing worries military pilots more than the possibility of failing the flight physical. Reduce your anxiety by learning exactly what to expect on every flight physical.
3 things you definitely DO NOT want to do when contacting a recruiter. Doing just one of these things could eliminate your chances of getting a pilot slot.
How to choose the right service for YOU, (Air Force, Navy, Marines) before they choose you.
Impress your superior officers by learning to act like a fighter pilot.
How to determine whether the Service Academy, ROTC, Officer Candidate School, or Enlisted Commissioning is the best entry program for your wants and desires.
Make an impact on your recruiter with this step-by-step method you must use when contacting him or her for a pilot slot.
How to be guaranteed a pilot slot before signing your life away for the next 10 years.
A glimpse into your future by learning where you'll perform your flight training, the fighter jets you'll be flying, and how to ace every step of your training.
The most common misconception about the physical qualifications of a fighter pilot.
Save time, energy, and be sure that you are making the right choice with detailed data on each service's commissioning programs.
9 tips that will make ground school easier.
6 flight simulator tips you must know to pass your flight checks.
Two distinguishes used to decide if you'll fly jets, helicopters, or cargo airplanes and how to use them to get the aircraft YOU want.
What to do if you fail your flight physical (and still pass on to fly jets).
Learn how to keep physically fit with the exact guidelines and requirements for nearly every medical condition.

Now these benefits alone can virtually assure that you achieve the fighter pilot position of your dreams.

But I told you that I was going to hold your hand every step of your journey.

So Not Only Will You Learn How
To Become A Fighter Pilot...

You’ll Also Learn How To Become One
Of The Top Fighter Pilots In The Country With Step-By-Step Information Like…

How to prepare for and obtain the most prestigious positions available to fighter pilots like, the Blue Angels, the Thunderbirds, Test Pilot, the Weapons Schools (i.e. Top Gun), and Survival School.
Become one of the best fighter pilots in the country by acing the 11 steps every fighter pilot will take in his career.
Become unbeatable by finding out why what you read, what you hear, and what you think will have a drastic impact on the type of fighter pilot you become.
The secrets that the government doesn’t tell you about becoming a fighter pilot and how you can use them to your advantage.
The single most important piece of advice for survival and success in the squadron.
Learn to speak fighter pilot “lingo” and you’ll fit in anywhere on base.
What a “secondary job” is and the benefits to you as a fighter pilot.
Real-world flying tips that will make you a better pilot now.
12 power-packed tips on impressing your instructors and scoring high grades in the cockpit.
Insider tips on the aircraft you'll be flying before you learn them the hard way.
Plus much, much more!

That’s just a partial overview of what’s included in the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™.

You’ll actually learn much more then I have room to cover in this letter, but I’m sure you get the picture.

Here’s What’s Included In Your
Fighter Pilot Power Pack™...

Fighter Pilot Power Pack

Future Ace: The Definitive Guide To Becoming A Fighter Pilot 1. Future Ace: The Definitive Guide To Becoming A Fighter Pilot (144 pages)

The book that will put you into the jet of your choice: how the process works, what each service offers, what to ask, what to look out for, and what you must know to put you in the front of the line of Becoming A United States Fighter Pilot. Future Ace gives you the facts, the proof, and a specific step-by-step program through an easy-to-use, definitive guide to becoming a fighter pilot.

Marching to Mach: Your Fighter Pilot Career At A Glance 2. Audio CD: Marching to Mach: Your Fighter Pilot Career At A Glance (1 hour, 8 minutes)

Want to take a look at your future? Here’s your chance. Find out from a fighter pilot just what your life will look like for the next 10-20 years. Also find out about awesome pilot jobs like: Test Pilot School, the Blue Angels, the Thunderbirds, the Weapons Schools, and Survival School. Things to think about if you are going “career.”

How To Excel In Flight School 3. Audio CD: How To Excel In Flight School (1 hour, 9 minutes)

Do You Want To Finish First In Flight School and Get Jets? This CD is designed to give you the ‘inside track’ to performing well in military flight training and how to ace each step. Also find out the two main distinguishers which will be used to decide if you end up flying jets, helicopters, or cargo airplanes.

Fighter Pilot Medical Requirements 4. Audio CD: Fighter Pilot Medical Requirements: (58 minutes)

What You Need to Pass Your Physical With ‘Flying’ Colors. Find out how it is possible to fail an element of your flight physical and still pass on and fly jets. Including the exact eyesight requirements and where to find the exact guidelines for nearly every medical condition.

Becoming A Fighter Pilot: An Introduction To Your Next Career 5. Audio CD: Becoming A Fighter Pilot: An Introduction To Your Next Career (48 minutes)

Learn the 5 steps all future fighter pilots will take on their journey down Fighter Pilot Road. How to make final preparations before walking into a recruiter’s office… and why this preparation is so important and much more.

This CD is the perfect complement to the Book Future Ace: The Definitive Guide To Becoming A Fighter Pilot.

Armed with this amazing program you’ll quickly realize the unfair advantage it gives you.

But like I said earlier, I’m going to hold your hand every step of the way, so on top of all of this…

You'll Also Receive An Exclusive Bonus Package Worth $279 Absolutely FREE!
This bonus package alone will convince you that the program is worth every single penny.
Free Bonus #1:

Special Report: How To Excel In Flight SchoolSpecial Report: How To Excel In Flight School

Let's be honest...you won't settle for anything less than flying jets. But you have to graduate at the top of your class to be awarded this position.

A detailed complement to the "How To Excel in Flight School CD," this Special Report teaches you:

My personal 6 and 1 technique that'll teach you how to crush flight school without losing your edge.
3 special studying tips that'll save you time and maximize your performance - especially in pressure-packed "check rides."
How to memorize complicated flight procedures in minutes instead of days!
2 essential time management tips that'll propel you ahead of your competition.
And much more!

This Special Report normally sells for $47, but I'm including it free in this exclusive bonus package!

Free Bonus #2:

Marching to Mach Special Report: Your Fighter Pilot Career At A GlanceMarching to Mach Special Report: Your Fighter Pilot Career At A Glance

Jump into the future and discover what your life will look like after flight school. This Special Report pulls back the veil on this hidden world and explains how to ignite the afterburners to accelerate your career! Normally this Special Report sells for $37 but it's included in this bonus package at no charge!

Free Bonus #3:

Fighter Pilot Missions Audio CDFighter Pilot Missions Audio CD

Each day hundreds of U.S. fighter jets around the world take to the skies to accomplish their assigned missions. This CD puts you into the cockpit of these missions to show what you, as a fighter pilot, will be tasked with in your future career.

You'll learn:

The 9 main missions that you may execute in your tactical fighter jet.
What happened in 1991 that radically changed the face of air warfare forever.
The difference between single-role and multi-role aircraft and what that means to your next airplane.
An insider look at how fighter pilots train for each mission.
And more!

This Audio CD is normally offered for $27 but is included free for the next few days!

Free Bonus #4:

Special Report: Fighter Pilot Medical RequirementsSpecial Report: Fighter Pilot Medical Requirements

Even if you think you're as healthy as a horse, just about everyone has a medical problem or something that might hinder their chances. It may be your eyes, ears, asthma, height, weight, or allergies.

In this Special Report you'll learn what to do if you fail the flight physical and how to pass on and still fly fighter jets.

It's difficult enough to make it to the top without a physical problem weighing on your shoulders. This could be one of the single most important pieces of advice to get you through to flight school when the problem arises!

Normally this Special Report sells for $44 but it's included in this bonus package at no charge!

Free Bonus #5:

Special Report: Becoming A Fighter PilotSpecial Report: Becoming A Fighter Pilot

This Special Report details my personal journey to becoming one of the top fighter pilots in the country.

Written to complement the Becoming a Fighter Pilot CD, you'll learn these 2 extremely important keys to success:

The 7 Steps that you must take in order to become a fighter pilot. Skip one of these and you WILL be flying behind a desk.
What single thing will be your strongest asset during the fighter pilot application process.

Normally this Special Report sells for $37 but it's included in this bonus package at no charge!

Free Bonus #6:

Special Report: Fighter Pilot MissionsSpecial Report: Fighter Pilot Missions

In this power-packed Special Report, you'll learn some great insider information and gain access to special links where you'll discover all you've ever wanted to know about the F-16, F-15, F-18, F-117, F-14, F-22, F-35, A-10, U-2, and SR-71!

Also, you'll learn:

What kind of missions you'll be flying over the next 25-30 years.
The major differences between Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps missions.
And how you can use this information to help you decide on a service NOW.

This Special Report normally sells for $47, but I'm including it free in this exclusive bonus package!

Free Bonus #7:

Medical Guidelines: Over 300 pages
straight from the services themselves

You are going to have specific questions about your particular medical condition when it arises. The answers to your medical questions and much more are contained in this very special link to a "hidden" spot on my website with hundreds of pages on this subject.

These documents are what recruiters and flight doctors use to judge whether or not you meet the minimum physical standards and qualify to fly fighter jets.

'Super' Free Bonus #8:

One Month FREE to the "Afterburner Club™"

Receive a FREE subscription to my special "Afterburner Club™" for new members for 30 days. We will meet once a month for a tele-seminar with special guests like Blue Angel Pilots, F-18 Pilots, Top Gun Graduates and many more.

We open up the final part of the tele-seminar with question and answering sessions where you can ask personal questions to the experts on the line.

If you signed up for this service on its own, it would cost you $74 a month. But because you are purchasing the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ today you will be receiving the first 30 days FREE and a 50% discount from there on out.

Access To The #1 Forum For Fighter Pilots

Want to talk one-on-one with future Air Force, Marine and Navy Fighter Pilots? Or better yet, current students in Flight School or Fighter Pilots who are currently in their career. Here's your chance.

You will gain access to the #1 growing forum for future Fighter Pilots with over 16 individual forums and a list of topics growing daily. It won't take long until you will feel like one of the guys.

Not to mention, I am in the forum 3 - 4 times a week. There's no better way to get all of your flying questions answered than personal attention from those of us who have been there, done that. Beause along with the subscription you'll also be receiving...

Unlimited Support

Got a question, concern, idea, or just want feedback? No problem!

Now you can get your specific questions answered by myself anytime through our monthly Afterburner Club™ Meetings for my members only.

Given the price of my hourly consulting rates, this bonus alone is worth the entire price of the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™! This service is normally offered for $97 an hour but is included free for the next few days!

My monthly tele-seminars usually run from 1.5 hours to 2 hours in length. You can cancel this at any time with a quick phone call or email.

Information Like This Doesn’t Exist… Period!

Considering the average college student in the U.S. spends over $23,000 on tuition alone preparing themselves for their future career, a $2,000 to $3,000 investment for the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ would be considered a bargain.

But my mission is to help motivated, aspiring fighter pilots achieve their goals and that wouldn't be possible if it were to require this kind of investment.

Therefore you’ll be happy to know I’m offering the entire Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ to you for a one time investment of just $297.

Update: Due to my Crazy Christmas Sale that runs through midnight on Tuesday, December 18st, 2012, I'm offering the entire Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ for a one-time investment of just $67 (a $230 savings)! and I'm also including the 8 bonuses worth $239 absolutely free. That's over a $536 value for just $67! Click here to order now.

And to show you how confident I am that the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ will give you the edge that you need to blow away your competition and become an elite United States fighter pilot, I'm offering you the following guarantee.

"My Iron-Clad, 1 Year, Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

My reputation is on the line with the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™. You very well could be my wingman someday so it's absolutely critical to me that you are 100% satisfied with your investment.

Order the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ today and see for yourself how it will help you achieve your dreams and give you the edge on your competition guiding you every step of the way in your journey to become a fighter pilot.

If for any reason you're unhappy just put the material back in the box and send it back to me and I will refund your entire investment (minus shipping and handling) - no questions asked.

Marine Fighter Pilot - Ed T. Rush

Ed T. Rush
Guaranteed Return Policy, 2010/2011/2012

Basically what I'm saying is you don't have to decide today. You can get all the benefits of this limited time offer today and have 365 days to decide.

So Here's What You Need To Do Right Now...

Take control of your future by choosing which investment option works best for you and click on the appropriate link below. Remember, if you're not 100% satisfied just send it back within the next 365 days and pay nothing.

1. Click below to order now with our secure online server.


2. Call 1-619-292-2599. If you are calling outside business hours, please leave a detailed message, your call-back number, and the best time to reach you.

Your package will be shipped via U.S. Postal Service and will arrive in 3-4 days.

You are about to take one of the most exhilarating rides of your life.

To your future,

Marine Corp - Ed T. Rush

Ed Rush™

P.S. DO NOT CONTACT A RECRUITER before getting the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™. There are 3 crucial things you must prepare for before talking with your recruiter to ensure he recommends you for a pilot position. Order the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™.

Fighter Pilot
Wall Of Fame

"The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ has provided me with the needed info to be able to look through what recruiters are telling me when looking at the different services."

Click the play button to hear an
audio clip of what Dallas had to say.

Dallas McManamon

"The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ has done three specific things for me. First, it educated me in which direction i needed to head to become a pilot. Second, the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ has provided me with the needed info to be able to look through what recruiters are telling me when looking at the different services.

Finally, it got me using my relational network. I live 10 mile from Hill Airforce Base in Utah and by was able to go and check out the F-16's, A-10's, and F-22's a month ago. Being able to pock my head in the Cockpit of an F-16 is a direct result of the Fighter Pilot Pack. I learned some incredible info on that tour.

Taking notes during last months conference call when Ed Rush™ talked with Chad Haring helped me gather more of the info i need."

Dallas McManamon, Kaysville, UT

"I was so knowledgeable in fact that the recruiter thought I previously applied before."

Click the play button to hear an
audio clip of what Voi had to say.

Voi Kisiel

What the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ gave me the most is confidence through knowledge. The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ lands the mystery surrounding fighter pilots back down to earth, pointing you to the correct path. Ed’s information tells you that it’s definitely possible and it motivates you to work harder once you realize that it can be done.

I know better than to go to recruiters, they’ll never leave me alone and probably talk me into enlisting my first born. So where do I go? Where do I start? At first I was very skeptical so I kept on returning to the site and analyzing it like crazy. Right after getting the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™™ not only did my knowledge but my confidence level went way up. I organized all my qualifications and prepared myself to contact Navy and USMC recruiters the following week.

Now a senior, I am currently being reviewed by the Navy as a possible pilot candidate. Definitely my greatest selling point was my confidence that Ed inspired. The recruiter took me seriously and took interest in me because I had a “can-do” attitude and that I knew already what was expected of me. I was so knowledgeable in fact that the recruiter thought I previously applied before. Thank you, Major Rush!

Wojciech (Voi) Kisiel, North Haven, CT

Everything I had learned from your book was EXACTLY what they wanted to hear.

I'm emailing because I have recently come across good news! I was in the mall when two marine recruiters randomly came over to me. They said something like "hey, you look like you could be a marine!". I said "Well I have contacted a recruiter before, but I need to get in contact with an OSO." He immediately took my info. Later that afternoon i recieved a call from an OSO, and we set up a meeting for the very next day. I felt very confident going into the first meeting cause I read your book and listened to your cd's, so i knew tons about not only the marines, but the navy and air force too. The next day at the meeting.... I couldn't have said one thing wrong to them.

Everything I had learned from your book was EXACTLY what they wanted to hear. On the first meeting they guaranteed me a flight slot, with the exception that I passed all physicals and ASTB and then got accepted into the OCC program, which they thought I would have no problem being accepted.

I credit all this to your unbievable power pack! Awesome what you are doing for all of us aspiring pilots!

Ross C. Clapham
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

"Thanks to Ed’s program I am successfully preparing for a life as a United States Military Aviator."


If you have any desire to be a fighter pilot, you NEED Ed's system. You may think that you can get all of this information just by strolling the Internet. If that's you, you've got no idea what you are missing out on. If you are searching for that path that leads to a career as a fighter pilot, this program outlines the steps necessary to achieve your lifelong dream.

Major Ed Rush™ will walk you through each process from recruitment to graduation and beyond. He explains in detail how to set yourself apart from other candidates. I had given up hope due poor eyesight and less than perfect grades. He has given first hand knowledge that can only be obtained by being in the military or knowing somebody that is.

Thanks to Ed’s program I am successfully preparing for a life as a United States Military Aviator.

Steve - College Senior, Houston, Tx

"I highly recommend this package for those with future aspirations of becoming a fighter pilot in the United States military"

"Undoubtedly the best package about becoming a fighter pilot I have seen to this day. With a rapidly changing military, Rush definitely does his best to keep his information current and up-to-date. I highly recommend this package for those with future aspirations of becoming a fighter pilot in the United States military."

Michael R., Coco Beach, FL
United States Navy Student Pilot Currently In Advanced Flight Training Flying T-45S

Mother signs 5th grader up and says... "

He is laser-beamed focused... and will never forget all of the life achievement lessons he is learning from Ed."

Click the play button to hear an audio clip of what Mrs. Wheeler had to say.

"I don't think anyone is too young or too old to be in Ed's Fighter Pilot Afterburner Club™! I signed up my 5th grader for Ed's Afterburner Club™ and 1-on-1 coaching because Ed has a master quality about him that lights up the lives of everyone who hears him. He is the real thing, a true role model!

Wouldn't you be motivated to hear how you can use the same skills in your life that Ed used to survive an F-18 high speed adventure? My 5th grader is laser-beamed focused to Ed's teleconferences the entire hour!

Lessons of self-discipline, integrity, and hard work we all need to succeed in finding our dreams come to life as Ed teaches by example, motivates by sharing heart-racing experiences, and brings in amazing guests like a fighter pilot from the Blue Angels!

The Flying Man's Jacket in my 5th grader's room and his F-18 model are unforgettable symbols of Ed's powerful mentoring. My 5th grader (who dreams of flying) will never forget all of the life achievement lessons he is learning from Ed and his program.

Ed is the ultimate life wingman!"

Mrs. Wheeler, "Mom", San Joaquin Valley, CA

"I have been accepted with an air contract for the USMC OCC 196 class... It (The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™) definitely aided me in obtaining a flight slot."

Marine Corps - Johan Woger

"I have been accepted with an air contract for the USMC OCC 196 class. I wanted to thank you for providing me with such valuable knowledge. It definitely aided me in obtaining a flight slot. I initially attempted getting a slot in the USAF, but I committed several of the mistakes that you mentioned in your book. After being denied acceptance twice from the USAF, i decided to pursue a commission through the USMC and your advice really paid off. Thanks a million. Attached is my acceptance certificate. I will attending OCS on September 22nd. Wish me luck."

Johan Woger, Melbourne, FL
Future USMC Officer

"The clarification and information provided
is what I spent all last year looking for"

Dominic Dito

"Awesome! Truly Awesome. It has got me into the right place with the right mind. Much thanks to you Ed and everybody who has help and influenced this pack. The clarification and information provided is what I spent all last year looking for, but now I have it and 'em on my way! Thanks... P.S. Hey Ed thanks for the NVG Hornet video you sent me. Got anymore?"

Dominic Dito, Daytona Beach, FL

Instead of settling for some engineering job and wondering "what if" the rest of my life, I am going to go head first into a world of opportunity and take control of my future.

Click the play button to hear an
audio clip of what Mitchel had to say.

Mitchell Hinz

The Fighter Power Pack has been a great source of information as well as motivation. I came across the program almost by accident when researching aircraft manufacturing processes for a class presentation. Before the Power Pack, I thought that becoming a fighter pilot was a worthy, but almost unattainable achievement. It was always in the back of my mind as a possibility and I was doing a little research on what I needed to do to become one, but it was a backup plan and not a top priority goal.

Upon receiving the power pack I immediately read through all the chapters and quickly realized that if I prepared well and followed my gut feeling that this is something I want to - and can do - that it would become a reality. It put a deeper sense of urgency and confidence in my decision of what to do with my life. In no other profession can I expect to push myself to be the absolute best and have the desire to wake up and go to work each day. I have absorbed so much information and made investments (monetary and otherwise) in my future that maybe I wouldn't have done without the information provided in the Fighter Pilot Power Pack™. After just a few days with the information and suggestions from the Power Pack I changed priorities and now becoming a fighter pilot is all I can think about.

Instead of settling for some engineering job and wondering "what if" the rest of my life, I am going to go head first into a world of opportunity and take control of my future. The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ essentially woke up a part of me that was looking for a way to define my life and what I am capable of becoming - something worth fighting for. Thank you for the work you have put into this program to give people like me what they need to be the best of the best.

Mitchell Hinz
Milwaukee, WI

"I am pretty much set to attend Marine Corps OCS with an Air Contract."

Marine Corps - Sergio Lopez

"Ed, we exchanged emails about 2 weeks ago and I updated you that I am pretty much set to attend Marine Corps OCS with an Air Contract. This is because of your power pack that I made that decision. So thank you."

Sergio Lopez, Brandon, FL

"I was blown away by the information and loved it... "

"Amazing, I just got it this night i've just now finished chapter 2 and before I could read on I needed to send you and e-mail. Thanks so much for this even in the first two chapters I was blown away by the information and loved it, you even had me smiling more than a few times. And I've got to say after the first two I've already decided what service... The Marines. Everything that you said about advantages sounded great and even the disadvantages sounded pretty close to every daydream I have... Once again thank you so much... I can't wait to soak up all of the information in here."

Logan Carrigan, Bethlehem, PA

"Yesterday I found out that I was selected for the Air Force pilot training program"

"I just wanted to let you know that yesterday I found out that I was selected for the Air Force pilot training program. You reassured me that it is a reasonable goal as well as teaching me a few things I did not know. I can say one thing for sure; your statement about qualified people never being turned down if they continue to strive was right on. Thank you for the advice and taking the time to call me personally, your professionalism and courtesy exemplify a United States of America military officer."

Anthony Ziegler, Willis, MI
Recently Selected for Air Force Pilot Training

"An excellent program that shoots the reader straight without any of the bull"

"I just received it (The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™) in the mail today. What a coincidence that it arrived on my birthday, and I must say that after going through all of the information in the books and listening to a few of the CD's, your program is invaluable and I definitely WILL NOT be sending it back!

The information presented therein will help me make the best decision for which service and pipeline to go into, something other books and programs haven't been able to help me do yet.

Thank you for using your wealth of knowledge about military aviation to put together such an excellent program that shoots the reader straight without any of the bull I've found in most other books on this topic. Again, thank you!"

Matt Viebrock, Austin, TX

"I do not feel as lost in my journey to obtain a flight slot."

"I really believe that you have something here, Ed. I went through your CDs last week and I just completed your book today and I can tell that you really put some time into this, wow! I went to Barnes and Noble after finishing your book just to see if there had been someone like you that wrote some information about obtaining and being a fighter pilot in the military, you know what I found, not jack!

I have two of your CDs; "Becoming a Fighter Pilot" and "Marching to Mach." The "Becoming a Fighter Pilot" was a great introduction to this topic of being a fight pilot. I really enjoyed "Marching to Mach," and after I read the book I do not feel as lost in my journey to obtain a flight slot."

Elliott Olsen, Parker, CO

"I feel really confident the info will help me in many ways to fulfill my career."

Derrick McBreairity

“The power pack is great, I couldn't put it down, and I finished it earlier today. I must say it was the best investment I have made on a career choice, and I feel really confident the info will help me in many ways to fulfill my career.”

Derrick McBreairty, Hohenwald, TN

"That OSO would have eaten me alive and spit me out if I wouldn't have read the information"

"After I purchased Ed's Power Pack I sat down and consumed it in one night. I had all the necessary information right in his book that helped me decide which was the right direction to pursue my dream and to do it confidently.

As soon as I finished I set up an appointment with an OSO a few days later and was able to make myself a presentable candidate by asking the right questions and giving him the right information that he was looking for from me. I owe it all to Ed. That OSO would have eaten me alive and spit me out if I wouldn't have read the information that Ed has compiled. I am on my way to becoming a pilot!!! Thank you so much Ed."

Jeremy Mortensen, North Salt Lake, UT

"The nomination board thought my profile was so exceptionally well...

These over pour of blessings in my life are largely credited to God and the Ed Rush™ Fighter Pilot Power Pack™."

Air Force - Frederick J. Johnson Jr.

"To sum up my background, my life has been pretty tough. Nothing has ever really been handed to me, I had to earn it or fight for it. Two years out of high school I was a bit confused about my profession. Not yet college bound and working in a warehouse where I knew I didn’t belong, I was ready for a complete change of seen, or at least altitude.

Military Aviation has been one of my major interests seen my father introduced it to me as a little boy. But as I grew, the desire kind of dissipated. I took the push of former Marine Core co-worker to rekindle the flame. After that, I put forth extreme effort to obtain my nomination into the Air Force Academy.

And even though I did get a slot into the academy itself, the nomination board thought my profile was so exceptionally well that they placed me into the Prep Academy instead, located on the same grounds as the academy. These over pour of blessings in my life are largely credited to God and the Ed Rush™ Fighter Pilot Power Pack™."

Thank you,

Frederick J. Johnson Jr., Marietta, GA

Ed's power pack helped a lot letting me know about all the different waivers that are available to you.

Click the play button to hear an
audio clip of what Justin had to say.

Justin Berg

When I first came upon Ed's website i thought this was a bunch of bull@#$%. You know some program tell you how to do something just like weight loss and other garbage programs out there. Then I proceeded reading on. I read about Ed's credentials; Top Gun Graduate and so on I became to think that this was the real deal. I read on about customers who had used Ed's power pack to secure their pilot slot, I knew it was for sure the real deal. I personally know a pilot in the USAF at UPT so i had some knowledge about the topic, but Ed's power pack helped a lot letting me know about all the different waivers that are available to you. If you have dreams of becoming a fighter pilot in the air force, navy or marines, this is definitely for you!!

Justin Berg
Tempe, AZ

There is a lot of good free information out there, but none as complete as this.

Click the play button to hear an
audio clip of what Michael had to say.

Michael Yingling

When I first found Ed's website, it was through a hopeless Google search to find out more information about my options about becoming a fighter pilot. When I saw his site I remained skeptical, but noting the money-back guarantee, I bought it.

I can sum up my decision in two words: good choice! Once I started reading, I finished Future Ace in a single day. It had step-by-step instructions on my options and how to pass each step to get into a fighter. And my remaining questions unanswered by the book? Ed provides additional resources for those!

If anyone really wants to become a fighter pilot, there is a lot of good free information out there, but none as complete as this. If you're skeptical like I was, trust me when I say that you have nothing to lose. And if you really want to be a fighter pilot, every last bit of information will help!

Thanks for everything, Ed!

Michael Yingling

I was offered a flight school contract!

I ordered your Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ back in May with the intent to pursue the Marine Corps. However, my seated height was an inch over the maximum limit and therefore was disqualified from an air contract with the Marines. I still wanted to fly and refused to give up on my dream of becoming a pilot. I kept listening to Ed's audio CD's and decided to put in a packet for Warrant Officer Flight Training with the Army. I was offered a flight school contract on July 14th! I attribute my perseverance and success towards Ed's positive and uplifting approach toward life. The Fighter Pilot Power Pack™ inspired me to continue pursuing a flight school contract even though I knew I would not have the opportunity to fly Jets. Thanks Ed for your inspirational message that will encourage future generations to fulfill their dreams of becoming a pilot!


Caleb A. Lazo
Huntington Beach, CA
Future Army Warrant Helicopter Pilot!

The Power Pack told me all my different options for becoming a fighter pilot.

Michael Mariano

The Power Pack has really given me a better idea of what being a fighter pilot is really like. It is very in depth and you can tell that ED put a great deal of time and effort into making it. As a thirteen year old kid I new that i wanted to be a fighter pilot but was skeptical on how I would become one and my lifestyle as a fighter pilot. The Power Pack told me all my different options for becoming a fighter pilot. Also it told me the differences between branches and how your lifestyle is different for all of them. With all this knowledge Ive ge picked which route I think is right for me and I will do my best to pursue it. Thanks a lot Ed!

Michael Mariano
East Longmeadow, MA

I don't enjoy reading in general but I couldn't put the book down.

I just want to say thank you. Immediately after I clicked the order button to purchase the power pack I felt as though, "wait, I've been duped again by another website claiming to deliver on its goods".

Sure enough, you delivered on your goods and to tell you the truth i've never read through a book faster than yours! I don't enjoy reading in general but I couldn't put the book down. I feel far more confident and informed now for the AFOQT and meeting the AF recruiter. The more I read your book, the more I got a feeling of your genuine character and a man of high moral standard.

Thank you sir and God bless,

Mark Rabe
Temecula, CA

My Son reads it (Your Power Pack) over and over again and it was his Bible. He recently received an $150,000 NROTC (Marine option) scholarship to Auburn University in Alabama

I wanted to tell you that I bought your book for my high school son a few years ago. He read it over and over again and it was his Bible. He recently received an $150,000 NROTC (Marine option) scholarship to Auburn University in Alabama, and hopes to become a Marine fighter pilot. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge.

His Mum, Mrs. Rosbrook

Mr. Rush answered 8 years worth of research and concerns I had within 45 minutes...

Click the play button to hear an
audio clip of what Nicholas had to say.

Marine Corps Pilot - Nicholas J Cormier

I have spent over 8 years looking for answers and a contact/mentor to guide me exactly to my dream of flying fighters in the military. I have had countless times of misunderstood and incorrect information and advice.

Mr. Ed Rush™ is by far a blessing in disguise. I ran across his program out of the blue one day doing what I have been doing for years… looking for answers.

Mr. Rush not only answered 8 years worth of research and concerns I had within 45 minutes of listening to his CD’s, but quadrupled my confidence from a determined young man to accomplishing his goals to a very prepared fighter pilot candidate for the USMC. I am currently in my Platoon Leadership Course (PLC) process for the Marines and will be going off to MEPS on May 17, 2008, as well as taking my ASTB for the flight contract very soon after.

Nicholas J Cormier ‘10
Texas A&M University
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