A friend of mine told me recently about how when he was a kid, he collected brochures of all of the Thunderbird and Blue Angel airshows he attended.
He would read up on the short biographies of all of the pilots and officers that the brochures provided on them and would collect as many autographs of the pilots, officers, and crew chiefs as he could.
That’s the great thing about heroes, they inspire us, and they actually make things look easy. It’s something that a lot of young people lose as they grow into adulthood. They lose their naiveté; they lose their ability to look up to others.
It’s important that you choose the right heroes, the right people to look up to and aspire to be like. Sure, everyone’s got their faults and things that they do wrong, but those aren’t the things that led them to success, it’s what they did right!
Those are the things to emulate.
You may have had a hero that has let you down. If that happens, just remember that they too are only human. It’s the things that they do well that you want to emulate.
So, who are your heroes? What is it you want to emulate about them? What DON’T you want to emulate about them? How do they inspire you?
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